REINTEGRATION - The Return from Retreat
The Return
It can feel like unravelling from a dream; another life or existence.
Another you.
You've been cocooned in a group bubble, removed from the everyday environment, “to dos” and daily stress be it: work, getting to places on time, animals, cooking meals, doing laundry, family, organising other people etc.
It’s been a time of great churning.
It went deep.
The impact will remain unknown for some time. Most of it will be beyond what the conscious mind can conceive.
You will likely have experienced the glimmers of it:
The possibilities.
The freedom.
“TRUST in the power of this opening!”
What to expect:
You may feel emotional, want to cry or laugh (a lot!); you may miss your fellows/the group body; feel detached from your present “home” life, loved ones.
This is NORMAL.
A wonderful teacher of mine shared this:
“For every day of retreat, it will take the same amount of time to reintegrate”.
Meaning - Be patient. Take it slowly and steadily, EARTH like qualities (even if you feel full of beans!).
Do what is within your means to not dive headlong in to a flurry of work, socials etc.
Be kind, patient and ease yourself back in gently. Feel the water quality that smooths off the rough edges. No jerky, sudden shifts of gear!
Try not to over commit yourself and over -do things.
Helpful “Dos”
Get some good rest - you will still be detoxing on all levels. Bed by 10pm, rise early and take time to quietly move in to your day.
Take regular meals, (home cooked where possible, and don’t eat the last meal too late, ideally by 7pm).
Make time to sit for a moment and PAUSE. Take 10 conscious breaths: Inhale for 4, pause for 2, breath out for 6, pause for 2. Repeat 10x.
Ideal to do this first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It will help keep you connected and to the RASA (the juice, essence) of the retreat experience.
Keep connected with each other. Your fellow retreaters. You can support each other through the reintegration. And continue to build some of the new friendships formed.
These are simple suggestions to help ease you back in and to kindle the positive effects of the retreat.
Microcosm of the Macrocosm
We are a microcosm of the macrocosm as the ancient Vedic philosophies share.
Meaning the individual impacts the greater collective.
The time you have carved out to peel back the layers, look within, unpick some of the knots and heal impacts you AND the collective consciousness of humankind.
Be the change you want to see in the world. For more see here.
Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening
Unfurl yourself in the grace of beginning
that is at one with your life’s desire
(John O’Donohue)