Let Her Speak

Let Her Speak


These were the words chanted at the vigil in honour of Sarah Everard on Clapham Common on the weekend. 


For me the words breathe even more power to the message for humanity right now: 


Let the Feminine Speak



I believe we are being called to awaken to the VOICE of the divine feminine that exists in each and every one of us.



We each carry the twin flame of masculine and female essences within us. True harmony is created in the individual and the greater quantum field when these two forces meet as equals in the individual.


Let Her Speak

There is a detrimental disconnect with the feminine essence today. Yes there have been shifts in the last few decades but there is by no means an even keel when it comes to society as a whole.

As a collective we have been conditioned to disregard the feminine and favour the masculine set of qualities as a way of measuring our success, value and self-worth. 

This imbalance has become overbearing for us all. In my heart it is this inequality and fireguard for the balance by both men and women that has made humanity and the planet sick. 


The masculine can generally be defined as:

  • Linear processes

  • Goal and results driven structures

  • Strategy and planning

  • Systemic control

  • Logic based, analytical thinking

  • Key reliance on concrete, scientific proof

  • Singularity and separation

  • Ambition and competition


To be clear, I feel the masculine qualities have their place and purpose. I also feel they need to be met with equal qualities of the feminine in order to cultivate a sustainable existence. 


The feminine can be any of the following:

  • Trust in intuition – a fundamental part of feminine growth

  • Trust in natural outcomes – it is all unfolding as it should in the greater scheme of things

  • Connection to and expression from the heart

  • Allowing for the flowing, cyclical nature of things

  • Allowing for emotions

  • Listening to the subtle signs and communications from heart, spirit, nature, inner voice of truth

  • Finding cohesion and unity



The Prayer: Twin Flame Equanimity

As we approach the equinox this coming weekend - may we all acknowledge and give reverence to the twin flames. 

Let us all open ourselves to the true balance of the feminine with the masculine in our body, mind, relationships and life.

May these two polarities meet in each of us on equal footing so that harmony radiates within and without. 

This is how WE collectively contribute to a more harmonious world.


And so it is.

And so it is

And so it is. 


“Let’s sit together - harmonize and awaken”

There is such power in collective gathering. Join our morning meditation group as we set intentions and affirmations for equanimity.

7-7.20am every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.



The Seasonal Reset & Ritual courses:

We are delving in to the depths of masculine and feminine essences as part of the current Ayur-HOME-veda courses.

These are seasonal Rituals designed to harmonize and awaken you to the your true gifts and power. And by harmonizing yourself- you act as a harmonising force in the space around you.

The next Ayur-HOME-veda Ritual will be for the Summer Solstice 10-21 June.

See more details/dates here.






Emily Reed