
Sankalpa is the act of planting a special. It is a resolve, something we want to create or commit to in our lives. This is not simply an intention. Sankalpa has tremendous power to grow and create when it is watered and fed appropriately.

What Does Sankalpa Mean?

In Sanskrit, the ancient spiritual language san kalpa is defined as:

San – the connection with the highest truth

kalpa – a vow.

So in it’s purest form, Sankalpa is a vow to stay connected to the seed that represents the essence of one’s highest truth.

TOP TIP – Find the Seed While You Sleep! :

One of the best ways for finding your sankalpa and planting it is while practicing a Yoga Nidra session. While nidra means sleep, it is actually a process of awakening to your true nature. When practiced, Yoga Nidra systematically relaxes the body and mind and guides you into deep awareness; you are aware and awake, but you experience a dis-identification from body and mind. It is here that you can clearly start to recognize the seed you desire.

Consider an intention to quit smoking or reduce caffeine. Try to see the true desire that seeks to be fed when you reach for cigarettes or coffee. Maybe it is stress, nervousness, or fatigue that drives this urge? Planting some rest, relaxation, or physical activity in your daily routine would be a helpful way of realizing your intention.

You can also schedule a private lesson for a personalized journey to discover your Sankalpa.

Once you find your seed. Practice sowing it in your mind’s eye. Visualize and state your intention clearly, out loud, to yourself.

Watering and feeding:

State your intention before each yoga session for the next 4 weeks, or better still state it every morning upon waking and every evening before sleep. I trust you will be surprised by the fruitful outcome!

Let me know what you discover! I look forward to hearing from you.

Emily Reed